How To Start A String Program In Your Store

As a dealer of stringed instruments, more than likely, you have a selection of various strings available for your customers to purchase. You may even offer re-stringing services as a value-added option for your buyers. But, have you ever considered starting a string program in your store?
A string program is a great way to reach out to new customers and solidify the loyalties of your current clientele. And, indeed, the ideas are limitless. You can start your own string program and start building your business by trying some of these great programs.Begin a Training Class
Perhaps once a week, or once a month, schedule a “How-to” workshop that explains the ins and outs of re-stringing an instrument. This will give new students an opportunity to become better familiarized with their instruments, and you can tailor the workshop according to a specific instrument. For example, teach re-stringing techniques for the violin one month, guitar at the next session, cello, etc. Your customers will appreciate the chance to participate in hands-on instruction, rather than depending on youtube to learn how to string their instruments.
Plus, you can take this opportunity to showcase a particular set of strings, or highlight the advantages of mixing and matching strings to get the best performance from an instrument. For instance, many violinists choose a separate E-string to produce a richer sound. While displaying the techniques involved for re-stringing, you can let participants hear the difference between different types and brands and hopefully ring up some sales at the end of the lesson.
Develop a Membership Club
Many businesses utilize membership clubs to enhance customer loyalty and boost sales. You can create a string club that includes a variety of special offers and discounted services for members. Consider offering:
- A punch card program that earns a free set of strings after purchasing “x” number of full sets
- An alternative punch card that accounts for single string purchases
- Special discounts for members on services. For example, you can offer percentage rate discounts for instrument repairs, new instrument purchases, or other services
- Monthly, or seasonal sweepstakes contests that members can enter to earn free merchandise or services
- Suggestion tools that allow members to voice their wishes and wants. Perhaps there is a brand that many of your customers wish you carried, or some other improvement that you can introduce. In either instance, soliciting customer feedback will help your business by giving your members a chance to verbalize their needs.
Build a Referral Program
One of the best ways to develop your customer base involves word-of-mouth endorsements. String players are a tight-knit group. You can increase customer awareness by offering a referral program that provides incentives for introducing new customers to your shop or signing up new members.
The incentives are up to you. They can include discounts similar to the membership club ideas listed above, or you can develop your own. Whatever you choose, make it something appealing to your customers… something that will get them talking during practices.
Electronic Media
Don’t forget to employ the vast resources that are available on the web. Add your string program specifics to your web site, Facebook page, and other social media outlets. And, utilize customer email information to promote your programs, plans, and training courses. All of these types of marketing techniques are useful because as long as you are offering a value-added service, they work.
You can build a successful string program for your store by developing new ideas or trying some of these. The main purpose, of course, is to increase your outreach within the string instrument community and grow your customer base, but developing a string program will also help solidify the loyalties of your current customers.